Sunday, August 31, 2008

The End of History?

The Western idea of liberalism stretched across the globe during Napolean's reign of power in the early 1800s. Today, the notion of democracy still reaches from ocean to ocean, but that does not mean it is practiced in the lands that fall in between. In my opinion, history is far form over, because the world has yet to unify under one central government. There are simply too many opponents to democracy to claim that history has ended. One cannot forget the presence of Russia, China, and North Korea. These three nations do not support the idea of liberalism, and all of them have nuclear weapons at their disposal. Democracy faces several powerful foes who are not ready to rally behind a universal ideal. Neo-imperialist Russia and Communist China both possess the capability to start a war, and spread ideals that contrast the fundamentals of democracy. These nations will probably not start World War III, but just the fact that they exist, and do not support liberalism, is enough to say that history shall continue.